Nintex Sign ​


Nintex Sign

eSignature (Electronic Signature)

Nintex Sign is an electronic signature capability that is powered by Adobe Sign. Your organization can use the Nintex Sign platform to streamline or automate paper-based workflows that require signatures.

End the paper by eSignature

Completing the approval process with an electronic signature allows business to move faster. You can create an eSignature task by automated workflow with just a few steps.

Sign and Approve anywhere, anytime, on any device

Approach your business from wherever you are. Allow you to send or approve documents by electronic signature. Removing the complication from signing documents and contracts. With the ability to sign in just a few clicks on any device.
In Thailand, the legal validity of Electronic Signatures (e-signatures) has been officially recognized since the enactment of the Electronic Transactions Act, B.E. 2544 (2001)

Ready to improve your business?

We are highly recommended you register for trial and choose the right platform for your business